WildWestCon was AMAZING for the most part. I screwed up a bit on the photographic side, which I’ll get to shortly, but overall it is an event not to be missed. I didn’t know much about the Steampunk sub-culture before this…but now…whew!
Day 1/3:
I waited too long to buy tickets, flat out. I waited until the afternoon before and they were no longer available online. That sucked. Because of this I didn’t go to the evening opening events at the hotel where all the out-of-towners were staying and I missed out on some great opportunities.
Once I found out I could buy tickets at the door, my brother and I set out across town to head out to Old Tucson Studios. We got there around noon, and started making our way around. Having never been to a “con” of any sort before I didn’t know quite what to expect. Most other communities I had ever been a part of were not too partial to outsiders. This one was different. The steampunk conventioneers were welcoming. The steampunk conventioneers were inviting. And most of all, the steampunk conventioneeers didn’t make any comments about the fact that we weren’t in any sort of cosplay!
You might even say the steampunk conventioneers were unconventional conventioneers! (Bwahahahahahhaha)
Sadly, this is the day where I made my biggest of mistakes. En route home, I put my SD card into my WD MyPassportWireless after taking a number of pictures that afternoon. Tired and exhausted I went to bed. The next morning before heading into Old Tucson Studios again I popped the card into my camera trusting that the hard drive had automatically copied the files and formatted the card. They weren’t and there was no recovering them as I had already shot day two before realizing.
Day 2/3:
I realized I needed to step out of my comfort zone if I was going to be able to make any worthwhile photos come of this event, so I just started asking “May I take your picture?” Surprisingly, I never once got a no! Here I’ll just let my photos show you what went on. See if you can guess Day 2’s mistakes…
Were you able to guess it? If not, then I’m not telling!
Day 3/3:
More pictures…
While some of the celebs at the event made it impossible to take their picture…others and even the people just attending were awesome. I made a few flubs, but also took some amazing pictures (if I do say so myself) as well as some great connections.
Stay tuned in the future for pictures from the Day 2 Fashion Show and Day 3 Costume Contest…