Written by 11:44 pm Con News, Tucson Comic Con, Tucson Comic Con

Tucson Comic Con 2017

As dictated to Allen Weintraub.

All the other cons I’ve been to, I tend to do the same thing.  Hall shots, floor shots, or whatever you want to call them.  Basically, I catch people around the con in cosplay and ask to take their picture.  This con I decided to try something a little different.

At Phoenix Comicon 2017 earlier this year I shot for the first time in a panel, the Dick Van Dyke one.  I realized I actually like this.  So, this time I took a bit of time in the Gates McFadden, aka. Dr. Beverly Crusher from Star Trek: The Next Generation, panel.  Not only is she from the same hometown as my mom, but she has the same social quirks.  I guess it’s an Ohio thing!

After this, I basically spent the rest of my second day prepping and shooting the adult cosplay competition and youth cosplay contest participants right before they went on to the show in my portable studio!

I did get a couple of hall shots, but only a couple.

Stay tuned for more information on this and other fandom news at The Con Togs
