Month: April 2018

ConNichiwaMasqueradesWinners' Circle

Con-Nichiwa Masquerade 2018 Winners

Con-nichiwa by Monkey Paw Entertainment’s masquerade 2018, was both exciting and very entertaining. This year’s judges were...

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THE HAUTE TOGS Fandom Fashion

Con-Nichiwa 2018 J-Fashion Show

Check-out our coverage of the Con-Nichiwa 2018 J-Fashion Show on our sister site Check out all of our coverage from Con-Nichiwa 2018 here...

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Con News

This just in from Monkey Paw Entertainment!!!

At 4:52 pm Monkey Paw Entertainment released during closing ceremonies that in 2019 they will be moving to a new location. This will remove...

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Con NewsConNichiwa

Big News from Con-Nichiwa

This just in…. Big News is coming at the Con-Nichiwa closing ceremony tomorrow night.More to come....

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Con News

WonderCon 2018 – A Big Con with a Small Con Feel

This was our first year going to Wondercon 2018 in Anaheim, California and we weren’t sure what to expect. Walking in from the...

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