Written by 12:33 am Con News

Phoenix Comic Fest 2018 First Impressions

Going into this con I was worried they would make a mess of the updated security. Last year’s knee-jerk measures after the “incident” in which nobody was actually harmed, and law enforcement did their jobs, actually caused more harm to those it was trying to protect. I still question if it was possibly a publicity stunt gone horribly demented.

Though we got here late in the afternoon, things were calm, and quiet. Registration was straightforward and security including Phoenix Police were friendly and made life easy. Even with all my kit security took less than five minutes. After having lived in Israel during the height of the intifada, in which there was security to go anywhere even the grocery store and shopping mall, let alone a movie theater, bus station or anywhere a large group of people would congregate. It feels like Square Egg and Phoenix PD have got things under control. Lets just hope this is not a false sense of security for the weekend.

After having lived in Israel during the height of the intifada, in which there was security to go anywhere even the grocery store and shopping mall, let alone a movie theater, bus station or anywhere a large group of people would congregate. It feels like Square Egg and Phoenix PD have got things under control. Lets just hope this is not a false sense of security for the weekend.
