Written by 6:20 pm Con News, Phoenix Comic Fest

Phoenix Comic Fest Overview

Phoenix Comic Con Fest 2018 was both an improvement over 2017 but also had its own flaws. They cause of the issue was not the Phoenix Comic Fest’s fault but the ways they were handled after were theirs to control. Around 7:30 pm the fire alarm sounded calling for the Phoenix Convention Center to be evacuated. In the chaos the security dumped everyone from the masquerade outside the security perimeter, and no one was allowed back in for the rest of the evening, with all programming for Saturday, May 26, 2018.

For the complete press release and our point of view click here

I overall felt that the event was fun. I missed the well-put-together complete masquerade of previous years, and I feel bad for participants who didn’t get their hard work shown and some who lost 100s of hours of hard work due to the suddenness and lack of an informed plan.
I also feel bad for the Monster Rangers, who hold their annual parade and meet up during Phoenix Comic Fest, which was to be occurring during the fire alarm issue.
The number of vendors/organizations, in the expo hall and Hall of Heroes, seemed reduced from previous years. The aisles seemed both wider and shorter. As well as there being more space around people. The more open space made photography easier, but also meant fewer cosplayers to photograph.
Following the night with the fire alarm incident, there already had been a press conference scheduled, for the next morning. At this conference they covered a surprise….. well I had been joking they would be renaming Phoenix Comic Fest something else next year. This was exactly why they called the conference but at the last minute the management added a period to discuss the previous night’s incident, reading a prepared statement. As well as to allow questions for the convention center.
Phoenix Comic Fest wrapped up with a rescheduled masquerade, but since the combination of the time change and the evacuation, over 40% of the contestants didn’t return to the stage. Of those who did participate, many didn’t have their full act, costume, or participants……

“Bert is dead” – Ambrose Cosplay in reference to her planned partner

Even the MC TD-0013 wasn’t planning on attending the event’s final day. This made the show seem less put together than in previous years. Also, the intermission entertainment had to cancel their appearance. Their instructors at the rescheduled masquerade tried very hard to give a sample of the routine but the teens from Alice Cooper’s The Rock Teen Center deserved to show their stuff.
