Written by 6:30 pm Con News, Fandom/Movies/Gaming, San Diego Comic-Con

Cosmos Possible Worlds Comic-Con 2018 Activation… Into the Dome!

Behind the San Diego Hilton Bayfront, along well…. the Bay front, Fox set up their activation. One part was the theater dome and captains chair from Cosmos with Neil DeGrasse Tyson. I didn’t expect such a line for a 2 minute video but was happy to know that many people agree that the series is good and maybe even are absorbing something.

When you enter the dome you don’t see much, just a gray carpeted platform and a screen, but the doors close and if goes pitch black. Maybe I misread the signs and this is the activation for American Horror Story…, then I hear the calming familiar voice of one of the most notable astrophysicists currently. The screen fills with stars, and one is highlighted and our adventure begins again. We are taken to a distant star with worlds that might be like ours.

The theater its self from the outside seems unassuming but by the end of the experience you realize the whole dome is part of the theater, the walls, the ceiling and even some special effects.

Upon exit of the dome you are given the option of having a picture taken in the captain’s chair from the Cosmos ship.

Check out the trailer below!!!

Credit: Fox

Check out Con Dad’s view of the Cosmos Experience here: Con Dad Goes Second Star To the Right
