Written by 6:54 pm Editorial, Fandom/Movies/Gaming

Editorial: Why there is no Doctor Who Christmas Special this year

…For the first time since Doctor Who relaunched in 2005, there will be no Doctor Who Christmas Special to air on Christmas Day.


As many of you may know for 2018 the BBC has chosen not to do a Doctor Who Special for Christmas. We at The Con Togs, believe we know why.

“With every task there must be done, there is an element of fun”

In Disney’s “Mary Poppins Returns,” an all new original musical, Mary Poppins is back to help the next generation of the Banks family…

Sometimes you just know when you are beat with a bigger story, that’s not us in this case. While The Doctor is a great Time Lord, and Jodie Whittaker plays him/her well, we believe it is because of the story of an older and less discussed Time Lord is being told.

The Walt Disney Corporation is releasing Mary Poppins returns. You may be asking yourself, how does Mary Poppins relate to Doctor Who?

Well clearly Mary Poppins is a Time Lord…

She travels by non-standard methods

She travels by non standard methods like the Doctor in their TARDIS. Yes she travels by umbrella which is not like traveling inside a police box but maybe she handles the time vortex better. Only other people who have done this were Captain Jack Harkness, and he even had to cling to the outside of the box.

Travels with something bigger on the inside then the outside

Speaking of The Tardis, both The Doctor, and Mary Poppins keep their stuff in something larger on the inside then the outside. Mary Poppins travels with her carpet bag.

She can regenerate (as seen by the new movie)
She travels with a companion

Comes to the crying of children

Again the BBC and Walt Disney Corporation have not commented on this, nor have they denied it. (Nor have they been asked…)

Please note this is just our opinion, but it seems a very plausible reason for the lack of a BBC Doctor Who Christmas Special.

It has been released that the special will be on New Years Day, letting Mary Poppins have Christmas this year it seems.

Feel free to weigh in with your opinion in the comments below or on social media on this post.

(no facts have been proven or hurt in the making of this article)
