Written by 1:08 pm Con News, Dreamfinder Project Cosplay

Cosplay Friends:A Phoenix Comic Con/Comic Fest/Fan Fusion Journey: Part 2 (Sara Sundae)

Until Phoenix Comic Con 2016, I hadn’t done much photographic work in cosplay.  I was a noob!  I had only been to one other con, which was incredibly small in comparison, and wasn’t quite sure what to expect.  I put out a request on the Tucson Cosplayers Network group on Facebook and asked if I could do a shoot with anyone.  My one and only response that first year was Sara Sundae!

Looking back, I cringe at my photographic work (her cosplay on the other hand was impeccable).

Since then we’ve done a few other shoots…

Phoenix Fan Fest 2016

GameOn Expo 2016

Cochise College Comic Con (C4) 2017

GameOn Expo 2018

and most recently at C4 2018

and I always look forward to shooting with her and her amazing cosplays.

Stay tuned for our next installment on Tuesday.

Phoenix Fan Fusion this year (2019) is May 23-26.  Make sure to get your tickets NOW!

Checkout Sara Sundae on Facebook and Instagram

Stay tuned for more information on this and other fandom news at The Con Togs
