Written by 8:01 pm Con News, Phoenix Fan Fusion

Cosplay Friends: A Phoenix Comic Con/Comic Fest/Fan Fusion Journey: Part 4 Heartless Aquarius

In the final installment in this series about our cosplay friends we’ve made over the past couple years at Phoenix Fan Fusion we look now to Heartless Aquarius.

In the final installment in this series about our cosplay friends we’ve made over the past couple years at Phoenix Fan Fusion we look now to Heartless Aquarius.

Our first time interacting with her was seeing her totally awesome MLP Ghostbuster in the hall in 2016.

Then we saw her in the Masquerade as Leafeon where she won awards.

At this point we knew we wanted to shoot with her.  We caught this hall shot of her as Bill Cypher at Phoenix Fan Fest 2016

Hall Shots – Day 1

and it cemented it in our minds.

Finally at Con-Nichiwa 2018 we got to shoot her Auntie Crow

and her NoFace at at SabotenCon 2018

Her cosplays are just beyond and we look forward to getting to shoot her more in the future.

Phoenix Fan Fusion this year (2019) is May 23-26.  Make sure to get your tickets NOW!

Checkout Heartless Aquarius on Facebook and Instagram

Stay tuned for more information on this and other fandom news at The Con Togs
