Written by 6:17 pm Con News, D23

D23 Haunted Mansion 50th Anniversary

One of the highlights of D23 2019 was the 50th anniversary of The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland. The presentation was hosted by Kevin Lively. The first thing covered was the passing of Marty Sklar. This being the first D23 Expo since his death. This was a heartfelt tribute to the imagineer who was responsible for the design of the parks.

Next Kevin introduced Daniel Joseph, an imagineer or illusioneer, who showed how various tricks were done to create the happy haunts that we now enjoy in the Haunted Mansion. Some of the tricks included lasers, fans, black lights, and even laundry soap could be used to spooky effects. 

Following Daniel, Chris Merett came on stage. Chris was a friend of Marc and Alice Davis. Chris discussed how Marc Davis created the artwork that we now see in the Haunted Mansion. Chris discussed the book he worked on which contains the artwork of Marc Davis. 

Since we now have seen how the effects and the attraction was created it was time for a visit to the Haunted Mansion. Kevin being a former Jungle Cruise skipper brought on two Jungle Cruise skippers who gave a tour of the ride. The skippers gave the ride using their deadpan humor that had us laughing throughout the presentation.

Next to discuss the history of The Haunted Mansion was Jillian Pagen, a writer, and Kelsey McCullough, granddaughter of X Antencio. X Antencio was an imagineer scripted The Haunted Mansion as well as Pirates of the Caribbean. X started as an animator until Walt Disney saw something in him and made him a writer. Kelsey had an early copy of the script for The Haunted Mansion. This was done as a dramatic reading with Kelsey doing the voice of Madame Leota. She was joined by Sarah Slater, the tightrope walker, and the Muppet Uncle Deadley. The reading was very amusing and entertaining. 

The panel concluded with the presentation of the two art pieces being done on stage during the panel. Both art pieces were donated to Ryman Galleries D23 booth to be sold as a fundraiser.

Stay tuned for more information on this and other fandom news at The Con Togs
