Jojo Rabbit is based on the acclaimed novel Caging Skies, by Christine Leunens, published in 2004. Opening in the fictional town of Falkenheim, a quaint town under Nazi control, during lead up to the conclusion of World War II. This town is home to Jojo Betzler, a 10 year old boy who feels like he has waited his whole life for the opportunity to join the Jungvolk, the Hitler Youth.
To young Jojo (Roman Griffin Davis), this is his opportunity after having been extremely susceptible to the propaganda, to be part of something big and important to the cause, and most of all to protect his single Rosie (Scarlett Johansson), , and feel like he fits in somewhere. To help Jojo deal with his insecurities he brings his imaginary friend, a clownish, hair-brained image of Hitler (Taika Waititi ), who in a childlike manner, dispenses the advice Jojo might have gone to a father to receive.
With his imaginary Friend, Jojo feels invincible, but his trouble is just starting. Once at the camp Jojo is nearly decapitated, and humiliated, making him more frustrated.
No longer able to participate in the camp Jojo’s world is transformed, even more. While chasing what he thinks is a ghost in his home, he discovers his mother has been hiding a Jewish girl in the wall, which puts their whole family in danger.
This discovery is a shock that nearly undoes Jojo. He is now sharing a roof with the “danger” he had been warned about, and a few feet where he would confide in his imaginary friend Hitler. He decides to keep an on this mysterious girl named Elsa (Thomasin McKenzie), during which his fear and vigilance become something even Adolf, can’t seem to believe. The more Jojo gets to know Elsa as a person, he can’t understand how she could be this danger, that he could see harming him, or allowing his Nazi idols to harm.
Best Adapted Screenplay
Taika Waititi wrote and directed the movie Jojo Rabbit,as well as playing Adolf Hitler as the boy’s imaginary friend. For his work on the film, he received two Academy Award nominations, for Best Picture and Best Adapted Screenplay, which he recieved. This made him the first person of Maori descent to win an Academy Award in a screenplay category, as well as the first indigenous person to be nominated and to win Best Adapted Screenplay.
Congratulations to Taika Waititi on earning Best Adapted Screenplay for Jojo Rabbit.
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