Written by 3:12 pm Con News, Other Cons

And away goes Anime Expo 2020

This is a day my team and I hoped wouldn’t come, but it is with a heavy heart that I am announcing the cancellation of Anime Expo 2020. Our utmost concern is for the health and safety of our amazing Anime Expo community. We understand your disappointment as we are anime fans first and foremost too. As you can imagine, this was one of the most difficult decisions we have had to make in the 29 years of Anime Expo.

The next casualty in the con world to the Covid-19 pandemic is Anime Expo 2020. This annual anime convention held in Los Angeles will return next year, with badge holders receiving the option of moving their badge to the next event or receive a refund.

This and any canceled con means that vendors will not be able to make their sales as planned but we at The Con Togs hope that through community support that they can still reach their customers.

Stay tuned for more information on this and other fandom news at The Con Togs
