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Taiyou Con 2019

We approached this “new to us” con with an open mind and an open lens I guess you could say. We saw a good mixture of the usual faces and friends, as well as new faces and new cosplays.

Hall Shots

This was our first Taiyou Con. We had been to the Mesa Convention Center before for a previous Game On Expo, but we weren’t sure what to expect for an anime con there. We had been to a few anime cons, including a Con-Nichiwa and Saboten Con 2018, These though are not run by the same organization, and are technically commercial cons while Taiyou Con is run by volunteers.

We approached this “new to us” con with an open mind and an open lens I guess you could say. We saw a good mixture of the usual faces and friends, as well as new faces and new cosplays.

Hall Shots
Hall Shots
Hall Shots
Hall Shots
Asara, The Arcana Game Masked Denizen Revealed - ThermoCosplay

Taiyou Con Masquerade

One of the biggest events for us at The Con Togs, is the masquerade at each con we go to. The Taiyou Con 2019 masquerade was different from the previous. It was very well organized, even with a screen like at larger cons to tell us the act and their cosplay.

There also was a different feel in the crowd, one of more support for everyone.

Check out our gallery of all the competitors in the Taiyou Con 2019 masquerade as well as the Winners gallery.

Maid Cafe

At Taiyou Con 2019 we also got to visit a maid cafe to observe, having never been able to get into the doors due to scheduling and other issues. It was fun seeing the interactions of the hostesses and the customers, with card games and general fun and silliness.

We at The Con Togs overall had a lot of fun at Taiyou Con 2019 and hope to see everyone again as well as more new faces at this community run con, held in Mesa Arizona.

Stay tuned here for more Anime coverage, as well as general con/fandom coverage!!!
