Written by 6:01 am Fandom/Movies/Gaming

Star Trek Lower Decks

This first episode of Star Trek: Lower Decks introduces our main characters. Though this Star Trek series is different then all that came before it. The main characters are more like the C team, they consist of mostly new ensigns, assigned to a ship, the Cerritos, who’s main job is “second contact”. They ships mission is to get the Ts crossed, and Is dotted, as well as to make sure the name of the planet is spelled correctly and to find the best places to eat.

We have Ensign Boimler, a by the book newbie who is soooooooo excited to feel important. Heck he is even sometimes called to the bridge. However he is rather boring, and when on the holodeck able to pick anywhere he wanted to be, he chose the warp core. Not a beach, not home, but the warp core.

Ensign Tendi arrives for her first day on the ship, and is assigned to Ensign Boimler, to show her around. Tendi is assigned to medical, and is super stocked to do whatever they let her do.

We are also introduced to Ensign Rutherford, who recently became a cyborg, and is assigned to engineering, and lives to be part of engineering, however this episode is more about him working to keep his dating life intact, no matter what craziness the galaxy throws at him.

If you go past here, then spoilers are coming!

Episode 101: “Second Contact” (Available to stream 8/6/20)

Series premiere. Ensign Tendi has her first day of work on Starfleet’s U.S.S. Cerritos, where she meets fellow support crew members, Ensigns Mariner, Boimler and Rutherford. Meanwhile, Boimler is tasked with a secret special assignment and Rutherford attempts to keep his dating life intact while a sci-fi disaster strikes the ship.

Written by: Mike McMahan

Directed by: Barry J. Kelly
