Written by 11:49 am Editorial

Where I’ve Been and Why You Haven’t Heard From Me aka Cancer Sucks!

“It’s been a long road, getting from there to here…” but while most of the world was only dealing with a pandemic, I had even more going on.  

In 2018 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor that had been on imaging since at least 1994 but was ignored by local doctors (that’s a whole different story) but in September of 2020 things suddenly changed.  I started experiencing what I call the #headachefromhell and was pretty much unable to function and in the worst pain of my life.  While surgery was considered urgent enough that they were going to still do it even with covid restrictions at the hospital, those restrictions made it so my recovery would be hindered.

Surgery was postponed multiple times until the end of August 2021.  While surgery was a success, recovery has been difficult and still is.  I’ve worked on a few articles in the background over all of this time, and shot at a few cons, but those were short bursts of energy that took weeks to come back from.

As I get better you’re going to hear more and see more from me.

So far, our planned cons this year are:

  • Wondercon
  • C2E2
  • San Diego Comic Con

and maybe some others…

Hope to see you and your incredible cosplays at a con soon!
