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Gates McFadden @ Tucson Comic Con 2017

Gates McFadden, she can sing she can dance, and then she lived in France. Okay, she doesn’t sing, but she is famous for both her acting as well as her choreography. She started the panel by climbing on the table and relaxing saying she is no way that person she was on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Photo by Robert Weintraub

She mentioned that to her Tucson is not much more than a village, since we have no real skyscrapers. In more recent years been living in France raising her son and working to rebuild a theater.

On Star Trek: The Cruise III she will be teaching dancing, a first for her. During her panel Gates McFadden described her experiences with boats, especially since the ship scene in Star Trek: Generations. In this she and the rest of the cast spent days shooting a scene in which Lt. Worf was being promoted to the rank of Lt. Commander. In the traditional naval fashion he must jump for his hat. During the shooting of this scene the water was not very calm and the old sailing ship pitched back and forth, and ended with her being pushed off the deck into the water.

One other story she shared was how her med-kit was the bane of her existence on Star Trek: TNG. She was one of the crew who went on fewer away missions. When she did, she had to haul along her med-kit, a bulky box that would often pop open spilling its contents, and the writers and director expected her to run with it, let alone in heels.

Ms. McFadden told the panel about how while shooting the short-lived series Marker she developed an appendicitis, and was taken to the hospital, however she wanted to, if an appendectomy was required to have the procedure done laparoscopically. At that time the procedure was still limited on the islands, and finding a surgeon to perform it was an ordeal. When Gates McFadden met the doctor, she was told how she inspired him become a doctor, and she responded with “I’m not that old….”

Photo by Robert Weintraub

Overall, her panel was laid back, and fun and gave us some insight into what it was like to be Dr. Beverly Crusher.

Stay tuned for more information on this and other fandom news at The Con Togs
