LepreCon 44 – The Con that Almost Wasn’t
LepreCon is an annual science fiction convention with a special emphasis on art. This annual convention is held in or around Phoenix and...
Holy Prince of Darkness Batman
After the incident at Phoenix Comic Fest causing the masquerade to be rescheduled, the intermission dance performance as planned was...
Phoenix Comic Fest Overview
Phoenix Comic Con Fest 2018 was both an improvement over 2017 but also had its own flaws. They cause of the issue was not the Phoenix Comic...
“Schools Out” for Summer except for Alice Cooper’s The Rock Teen Center Talent Showcase
After the incident at Phoenix Comic Fest causing the masquerade to be rescheduled, the intermission dance performance as planned was...
William Shatner Panel
As we were crossing the sky bridge at Phoenix Convention Center, I heard a familiar voice from the large room and decided to duck my head...
This was the Best Phoenix Comic Fest Ever!
Even with all of its troubles with fire alarms and everything…. this was the best Phoenix Comic Fest Ever. IT ALSO WILL BE THE LAST!...
Phoenix Comic Fest Press Conference Sunday 2018
Phoenix Comic Fest will be changing the name yet again for 2019. NOW it will be called Phoenix Fan Fusion. Even when we chose Comic Fest we...
Phoenix Comic Fest 2018 First Impressions
Going into this con I was worried they would make a mess of the updated security. Last year’s knee-jerk measures after the...
This just in from Monkey Paw Entertainment!!!
At 4:52 pm Monkey Paw Entertainment released during closing ceremonies that in 2019 they will be moving to a new location. This will remove...